Call for Abstracts
This year abstract submissions for VicBioCon25 will be an open symposium with a focus on encouraging presenters from a diverse range of organisations, spanning universities, on-ground management, industry, consulting, government, and NGO’s. The Victorian Biodiversity Conference aims to:
Showcase projects involving Victorian institutions relating to biodiversity (everything from local to global projects).
Strengthen networking between Victorian institutions working on biodiversity (academic, industry, not-for-profit and government).
Highlight the exceptional work of early career researchers and professions, while providing networking opportunities with those more established in their careers.
Abstract submissions closed on the 31st of October, 2024.
Who can present?
We welcome presenters working in or researching Victorian ecosystems or from a Victorian institution or organisation. We encourage submissions from students (honours, masters or PhD), local councils, government, academics, NGOs, not-for-profits, industry, and ecological consultants.
For assistance, please refer to the presenter guidelines.
Presentation Formats
Full length (15-minute slot with 10 min presentation + 5 min questions/changeover)
Speed talk (5-minute slot with 3 min presentation + 2 min questions/changeover)
Poster (A0 size, on show throughout the conference, with a dedicated poster session)
Speed talk + poster (5 minute speed talk slot + poster session)
Projects with clear results and/or outcomes will be given preference for full-length talks. We encourage projects without results to be submitted for speed talk or poster presentation, or both. The conference is deliberately broad and encourages a variety of talks across terrestrial, freshwater and marine environments, related to both local and international issues.
Registration and tickets will be made available in November 2024.
Breaking Barriers Grant: The Breaking Barriers Grant has become part of the culture of VicBioCon – through it we hope to ensure that the event is as inclusive, supportive, and diverse as possible. Please note that this grant is only open to conference attendees who will be presenting at the event. If you are presenting and need assistance to attend, please consider applying here. Note that Grant Applications will open in November 2024.
VicBioCon Research Grant: To see if your research is eligible for the VicBioCon Research Grant, check out the application guidelines here. Note that Grant Applications will open in November 2024.